• How to Organize Your Office

    Is it becoming difficult to find documents in your office? If so, you might want to think about a new approach to organization. A cluttered office can make it more difficult to find the documents and tools that you need to complete your work. Whether at home or elsewhere, record retention in NYC is incredibly important, and you’ll want to keep track of your files.

    Thankfully, you can avoid losing important employment or tax information by simply rearranging your office. In this video, you will learn some helpful tips for organizing your work area more efficiently. An organized office should have room for file retention, and this video offers some useful ideas for file systems that can make it easier to keep track of important documents. Make record retention easier by conveniently organizing your office.

  • Clearing Out Your Home Office

    If you work from home, then you need to be extra-careful with office moving near NYC. Though it’s important to pack all of your possessions securely and label every box, you need to be especially cautious with your home office for record retention purposes. Commercial movers can help ensure that your office records and all of your sensitive electronic equipment are treated with the utmost care, as they would be during corporate moving services. Computer relocation can be tricky, so make sure that you back up all of your files before you begin to move. For more tips on clearing out your home office for a move , watch this video.

  • What to Know About Relocating Your Small Business

    Tips for Relocating Small Business If you are moving your small business to a new location, you should hire a commercial moving company in NYC. You will usually have a very tight window of time in which to move all the furniture, computers, and physical records from your old location to your new location, so the help of a professional corporate moving company is indispensable. The organization is key to smooth office relocation. The tips below will help you stay organized during your move.

    Relocate Essential Personnel First

    The staff who are most essential to smooth operation of your business should be the first ones out your old office and the first ones to set up their workstations in the new space. This helps you minimize downtown in answering phones and emails so that your customers experience as little lag time as possible when you transition to a new space.

    Box and Label All Hardcopy Materials

    If you keep physical records of any kind, whether they are for customers, patients, vendors, or employees, make sure you clearly label the boxes when you pack them. Record retention is essential to the continuity of operations for small businesses as well as large ones. Use color-coded markers and labels to make sure that everything arrives, and number your boxes so you will know if anything gets mislaid. This also helps you keep all the papers organized as you move them out of boxes and into new file cabinets.

    Leave the Heavy Lifting to the Movers

    As tempting as it may be to have your employees help with the move, especially if they volunteer, leave everything to your commercial movers. Not only because moving companies have extensive experience transporting even the heaviest and most delicate office equipment, but also because they have special insurance to protect their workers. If one of your employees injures him or herself by lifting office furniture or heavy boxes, even if said employee freely volunteered to do so, you are vulnerable to legal action. You can let your employees help with packing and organization, but not with lifting and carrying heavy items.

  • Make Your Business Relocation Easy

    corporate relocation nyc Corporate relocation in NYC does not have to be a hassle. With the help of commercial movers that specialize in corporate relocation services, you can have your office moved quickly and efficiently with minimal interruption in business.

    For a smooth office relocation, plan ahead. As soon as you have rented your new office space, begin dividing up the workload of moving. You should assign specific roles to all of your staff during the move, and make sure that your most essential workers move first and set up first in the new space. Also, remember that records retention is important for seamless operations. Make backups of all your data, and organize any paper files you have with easy-to-read labels.

    Corporate moving companies should handle transport of all your electronics from one space to the other, but you should make sure that each employee is responsible for packing items in his or her work area.

  • Tips for Packing Your Office

    office relocation in nyc Office relocation in NYC can be exciting, especially if your company is moving to a better neighborhood, a newer building, or a higher floor. Though the commercial movers will take care of moving heavy items such as shelves, desks, chairs, and copy machines, you might want to pack up your desk and office yourself. To keep all your items organized when you do, follow the tips below.

    Back-Up and Clean Your Computer

    Corporate relocation services should include computer relocation to ensure that your workstation and your desktop computer arrive at your new office, but it’s still a good idea to back up all your data in case any accidents occur. Once you have backed up your data, remove all accessories and other items from your computer, both the CPU tower and the monitor. This includes screen privacy protectors, document clips, Post-It notes, and any other items. This is also the perfect time to dust off your keyboard and wipe your screen.

    Use Separate Boxes for Each Desk Drawer

    If you simply throw all the items from all of your desk drawers into one box, you will waste a lot of time reorganizing everything when you arrive at your new office. To make the process simpler, get several small boxes: one for each drawer. Label each box clearly and secure it with packing tape, and you will be able to unpack everything very quickly.

    Wrap Fragile Items Carefully

    Many office workers have a small collection of personal items in their offices. You may have framed photographs of your family and items such as heirloom paperweights or a handcrafted nameplate on your desk, and framed artwork or diplomas hanging on the walls. Make sure you pack these items carefully, even if your office is only moving a few blocks or a few floors in the same building. During the frenzy of a move, fragile items may be bumped and if they are not securely packed, they may be damaged. Corporate moving companies should be able to provide you with tape, bubble wrap, foam peanuts, and other packing supplies.

  • Let U.M.C. Moving Co. Help With Your Next Move

    UMC Moving nyc Corporate relocation can be a highly stressful experience for any business owner. To ease your stress and ensure that your commercial moving project goes off without a hitch, you should be sure to work with U.M.C. Moving Co. for help with your next move. There are many great advantages to working with our commercial movers. Before your move date, our experts will work with you to create a detailed plan and outline of every step of your move. When you are preparing for your move, we can also provide you with packing services and file retention. Since our corporate moving company is fully licensed and insured, you will have total peace of mind when we are moving and transporting your boxes, electronic items, and furniture. Whether you are seeking a full service moving experience, or partial help with packing and transport, our commercial movers serving NYC will be there to assist you.

  • How To Stay Organized During Business Moves?

    commercial moving in NYC There are many great reasons why businesses choose corporate relocation. Whether rent is becoming too pricey in your current area, or you are simply seeking a new customer base, corporate relocation can help boost the profitability and success of your business. To ensure that your business remains successful before and during the commercial moving process, it is a good idea to take steps to remain organized throughout the move. A company offering commercial moving in NYC can provide you with file retention and other services that will provide you with a seamless transition between office spaces. Read on for some more ideas for staying organized during a corporate move.

    Plan Around Your Business Hours

    When you are preparing for a business move, you can help every member of your company stay organized by scheduling the move around your hours of operation. A daytime move can put a major halt to your daily business operations. With the moving and packing services that are offered by a corporate moving company, your after-hours move can create a seamless transition.

    Notify Your Customers

    Notifying your customers about your move is an important step of staying organized. Moving your physical location without providing your customers with proper warning can result in confusion and a temporary drop in business. To spread the news about your move, you may want to mail out flyers or postcards. Additionally, social media sites can also be used to share information about your move.

    Pack Carefully

    With the packing services of a corporate relocation company, you will be able to make sure that all of your items are in place for you to use once you have arrived at your new location. For example, any forms or paperwork that you require during your daily business operations should be packed so that they are readily accessible before, during, and after your move. Careful planning and consideration will ensure that your move is a total success.

  • Filing Before You Pack

    Record retention is an essential step of every corporate relocation. When you are packing up your office for a commercial move, you should be sure to carefully file and process all of your records, bills, and other information. If you leave your important documents disorganized when you place them in a box, you will create additional hassle and stress during your unpacking. For the ultimate file retention, you can place file folders directly in your moving boxes. In addition, if you are in need of assistance with record retention, you can work with a highly rated company offering corporate relocation in NYC . For more tips on how to file important documents before you pack, check out this video from expertvillage.

  • Attracting Customers to Your New Location

    corporate relocation NYC Corporate relocation is a savvy choice for business owners who are looking to attract a new client base. With services from a corporate moving company, you will be able to create a smooth and seamless transition to your new space. From office furniture installation to document storage and more, your commercial movers will offer all of the services you need to get your business up and running after your move. After your corporate relocation in NYC, you will need to take steps to get clients in the door at your new location. Here is a look at some handy tips for attracting new clients after a move.

    Provide Clear Communication About Your Move

    When you are planning on moving your business, it is important to communicate with current and potential future customers about the dates and details of your move. For example, you may want to post information about your new location on your website or other social media outlets. Providing information about your move will encourage your customers to follow you to your new space.

    Make Sure That Your Information Is Current

    Since many customers find businesses through online sources, it is highly important to make sure that your address and other contact information is current on your website and social media. By updating this information as soon as your move is completed, you will be able to make sure that your clients are able to easily find you in your brand new space. Location based advertising can also draw clients to your new location.

    Host a Grand Opening Party

    Once you have settled in to your new business space, you may want to attract your new customer base by hosting a grand opening party. During your grand opening party, you can provide samples or information about your products and services. A grand opening reception is a great way to make a terrific first impression on customers in your brand new neighborhood.

  • Your Guide to Record Retention

    record retention in brooklyn Record retention in New York City is an important element of owning a business; your records describe the amount of money you have spent on your business as well as the amount of income you have earned. Thus, file retention is necessary for many interactions with the IRS, and it can also give you an objective overview of the status of your business. Continue reading for your guide to record retention.

    What to Keep

    While you may not be the type of person to keep every fast food receipt you get from the drive through window, business record retention should always be taken seriously . As a business owner you are required by law to hold onto certain important documents, and it is imperative that you know which documents meet this criteria. Every business that provides a service or product a cost to the consumer has income and expense information, and these documents should be retained. This information will help you in the event of a tax audit, and they can also help you get an idea of which business practices are truly improving your company. You must also retain any information you have regarding your clients; if you are a medical professional you are legally obligated to keep prescription records for ten years.

    Where to Keep It

    Although you are required to retain certain documents, the way in which you do so is up to you. However, holding records off site comes with a number of benefits. Keeping your records in an off site location prevents them from taking up space in your workplace, which is helpful if you have been in business for a number of years. Off site locations will also keep your files organized and will also document when they are accessed.

    How We Can Help

    U.M.C. Moving Co., Inc. will keep your business records safe, secure, and accessible at all times. Our storage space is climate controlled in order to extend the longevity of your documents, which are entered into our software system and tracked via barcode so that you can find exactly what you need in no time.
